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02 - 13
01 - 21
Unlock the new track of mosquito repellent: fully automated popping beads mosquito repellent stickers production tool debut
Unlock the new track of mosquito repellent: fully automated popping beads mosquito repellent stickers production tool debut
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12 - 27
The global disposable medical consumables market is growing rapidly, and fully automated production equipment is the future trend
The demand for disposable medical consumables in the global healthcare industry has continued to rise in recent years, especially as disposable medical products are taking over the market at an alarming rate, driven by epidemic prevention and control, an aging society and upgraded medical facilities
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03 - 03
Guardian for respiratory health: cabin air filter
The air filter is a must to protect your car's air conditioning system. The cabin air filter, also known as the pollen filter, is a type of filter that specializes in cleaning the air inside the cabin. Its main function is to filter small particles, pollen, bacteria, industrial emissions, dust, etc. that enter the car from the outside in order to improve the cleanliness of the cabin air and prevent these pollutants from harming people's health.
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02 - 23
What is the difference between medical protective shoe cover and general shoe cover?
Medical protective shoe cover, also called as medical isolation gown, is generally divided into knee high shoe cover and ankle high shoe cover and is one of the common protective items for dust, water and epidemic prevention in clean rooms. But do you know the difference between medical protective shoe covers and general protective shoe covers?
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